Saturday, April 26, 2008

another day and still no photos

i finished the ankle socks and the kyoto sweater yesterday. all that is left to do is block and photograph. i'm wearing the socks and they are oh so comfortable ... i stuffed up the kitchener stitch a little on the second sock, so there is a tiny hole, but as a first pair, they are great. my reason for not having photographed (or blocked) the finished garments, or done anything else for that matter, is that i immediately cast on for the pomatomus socks. i'm using theherocomplex's modified pattern, a toe-up version, and have further modified the pattern to use 60 rather than 72 stitches. i used knitting at knoon's provisional casting tutorial for the cast on and have modified the chart for the foot. it's my first time using a chart, which has provided a seemingly endless source of knitting, ripping and reknitting, but i have finally finished the first round of the chart and have put my knitting away for the time being.

alas it is dark, so no photos ... maybe tomorrow

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